Friday, October 23, 2009

Links Of Interest - Health and Fitness

Being a dancer it’s very important to keep fit, especially when out of work. I got to the gym at least 4 times a week, as my personal fitness is very important to me. When I'm in a show I can be required to do a lot of partner work where I have to life girls so having strength is important.
When I have done musical in the past you wouldn’t believe how hard it is to sing and dance at the same time. When you go to a show its made to look so simple but physically it is so challenging as you need very good breath control to sing but you also need all of the air you breath in for your muscles when dancing so putting the two together put such a strain on your body. In ‘Fame’ I used to see some of the cast run off stage at the end of a number and collapse to the floor they had exhausted themselves so much.
So going to the gym and keeping onto of your cardio fitness is also very important.

The thing we eat can have a big impact on our health too. I eat a lot of protein and carbohydrate fuelled dishes as the protein is so important for your muscles and muscle repair and carbohydrates give you a lot of energy

This is a great website that includes lots of different information about nutrition in food and how you can improve your diet.

You can also you YouTube to search for dance workouts to keep fit at home. This is a dirty dancing work out currently sold in the shops.

This is a link to the gym I go to in Manchester. It’s important that you find a gym that has a good range of equipment and fascilities. A swimming pool is also good to use, as this is a great way of keeping cardio fitness. If a gym offers fitness classes it’s always best to try and attend at least one or two of them, as they will offer exercises you possibly wouldn’t think of using. You can often feel more disciplined in a class that’s being led by someone.

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