Wednesday, October 21, 2009

My Top 5 Resources

Facebook -

One of the most popular resources used throughout the world!
You can post pictures and videos of yourself, share pictures and videos from other interesting sources and keep up to date with all of your friends and family. You can become a fan of anything that you could possibly be a fan of. Your favorite celebrity, TV show, film or even as i saw recently, you can become a fan of 'Naked Cuddles In Bed'.

I love using facebook as i can constantly see what all of my friends are getting up to without having to send them a message to ask them how they are. With working in many places
throughout the world I've made a lot of very good friends, too many to be able to call them all individually to keep in touch. I often have people i have worked with professionally contacting me offering me work or telling me about an audition coming up. Facebook helps me stay in contact and up to date in a very fun and visual way.

Google -

Known as a 'search engine' Google provides the power to search for almost anything you could possibly want to find on the internet. The address of a business, Phone number to your favorite takeaway, images, videos and maps are to name a few of its powerful capabilities. Personally i use it for everything i have listed and more. I currently hold an email address with them which i use as private address. Recently i took some chicken out of the fridge which smelt a little unusual, so i type into Google 'What does chicken smell of when it has gone off'. It instantly brought up a list of responses to people who ha asked the same question and the answer i found confirmed the chicken was off. in a more professional way i use Google reader for my new course at Middlesex University where i have created a blog and follow other students blogs. Theres been times in the past when i have been to an audition with nothing but an address to find where the audition is, so i have used google maps to locate the place and help me find it quickly. It really is such an important resource for me.

The Stage -

The stage is a fantastic resource for all sorts of performers and people within the performing industry. It is a weekly newspaper published every Thursday and includes lots of informative stories about the entertainment industry. At the back of the newspaper is a Jobs section where it lists auditions coming up and other jobs such as various positions for lighting designers, sound engineers and so on. All of the infomation published is posted online on their website and auditions can usually be seen online before being released in the newspaper. I often read this paper to find out whats going on within the world of the theatre and to see if there are any auditions in the pipeline that i am interested in. In 2002 i saw an audition to dance for DisneyLand Paris so i went along to it and got the job!

YouTube -

YouTube is an online video/Audio website which can be accessed for an home PC or Laptop and now from new technology such a the Ipod or mobile phones.

Ive used YouTube for simply watching videos of new musicals that have opened or pop videos that i havnt seen and TV clips that i missed for example Xfactor. Ive also used it to share my own videos, When i Living in Amsterdam doing the musical 'Fame' we performed a live performance at a concert that was broadcast on TV. I posted this on Youtube so my friends and family could see what i had been doing. I also posted a video of my singing one of the s
olos from the show so my friends back home could watch. Go to and type in 'Danny Jackson Fame' and it will bring up the video for you to watch.

Its also been very useful for when I've been teaching, rece
ntly i taught 'All That Jazz' from Chicago. I needed to refer to a video of it as i couldn't remember a part of the dance. This was done very simply and quickly. A very useful resource for myself as a performer.

Spotlight -

Spotlight is used by those in the entertainment industry in TV, Film, Theatre and Radio.

It allows you to have your professional photo and CV both online and in the Spotllight directory for casting directors to see.

There are over 30,000 Performers in the directory and many are employed through having their details listed here. Some casting directors only use spotlight invite performers to auditions. I have an agent in London who puts me forward for most of my auditions but even still i was advised by them to get myself into spotlight as i was missing out on commercial castings and such like. its a very valuable source for performers both young and old and for some its a crucial link to getting their next job. You have to pay a subscription for this services but i feel its well worth it for the representation you get in return.

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